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Why is it good to get help?

 ''It’s who you know and what you know''

The upside in the Emerging Markets is big, and outsourcing specialist help with a company that knows these markets in depth, will give you the confidence of untapping potential business without distracting you from your core business.

  • There are many many markets!

  • Local knowledge is vital to getting the best distribution arrangements.

  • Local contacts and introductions are key.

  • It is important to achieve the right terms and contracts with your local partners.

  • There is a big sales upside in some markets if products are localised. In Russia and Poland, for example, the result is often a trebling of sales. However, this process does need managing.

  • Local partners need constant supervision / monitoring to ensure they are giving your titles the right focus and performing in accordance with your business plan.

  • Each market is different and therefore requires different approaches.

  • It is not always easy to get extra head-count and having a temporary resource to come in and work to your own time-frames is priceless.

  • Effort is self-funding as the business grows and brings in incremental revenues for you.